Travel-Study and Mini Grant Applications
Scroll down this page to find the guidelines for the applications you seek.
Raúl Fernández Travel-Study Award
The Georgia Chapter offers an award of $500 to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses incurred during study abroad programs in Spanish or Portuguese-speaking countries. The award is given in loving memory of Raúl Fernández, a long time foreign language educator and advocate, and member of AATSP Georgia Chapter Executive Board, who was a vital force in creating the activities, awards, and opportunities that we offer our membership today. Following Raúl's passing in December 2008, this award, formerly given in memory of Julia Fernández, Raúl's mother, is now offered annually in his memory. To qualify as a recipient of our Travel-Study Award, one must be a Georgia educator returning to the classroom in the following school year to teach Spanish or Portuguese. Special consideration will be given to members who have been active in national AATSP and Chapter programs, which include the following:
♦AATSP organized programs and workshops for teachers. Winners of AATSP-administered awards who have significant out-of-
pocket transportation expenses may also apply. For more information consult the national website at: ♦Programs for teachers offered by the Embassy of Spain. For more information, see: ♦ Study Abroad programs sponsored by Georgia colleges and universities.
Members who have been accepted to participate in one of the programs described above are encouraged to apply for this award. The complete application will consist of the following materials: ♦A photocopy of the letter of acceptance from the sponsoring institution. ♦A statement of anticipated program-related expenses. Include tuition, room, board, airfare and other transportation expenses. (Do not include optional excursions, souvenirs, etc.) Please indicate clearly how much is being paid by other sources (your school, any scholarships, staff development stipends, etc.) and how much will come out of your own pocket.♦A cover letter addressing the following points: how participation in the program will benefit the teacher and the impact participation will have on the applicant’s teaching, (If this information is included elsewhere in the application packet, just reference it here.); the applicant’s participation in national and Georgia AATSP programs over the years (include meeting attendance, presentations, sponsorship of SHH, student participation in NSE, composition contests, Immersion Camp, etc.); agreement to write a 250-word article about the program for publication on our website.
The completed application packet should be mailed or emailed by May 1st to Dr. Jana Sandarg :
Notification of winner and alternates can be expected by end of May. At the end of the program, the winning participant should send the article for our website, along with a photocopy of the end-of-course document. (For many programs, this is a certificate. For others it may be a report card.) The reimbursement check will be issued following receipt of these documents.
Members who have been accepted to participate in one of the programs described above are encouraged to apply for this award. The complete application will consist of the following materials: ♦A photocopy of the letter of acceptance from the sponsoring institution. ♦A statement of anticipated program-related expenses. Include tuition, room, board, airfare and other transportation expenses. (Do not include optional excursions, souvenirs, etc.) Please indicate clearly how much is being paid by other sources (your school, any scholarships, staff development stipends, etc.) and how much will come out of your own pocket.♦A cover letter addressing the following points: how participation in the program will benefit the teacher and the impact participation will have on the applicant’s teaching, (If this information is included elsewhere in the application packet, just reference it here.); the applicant’s participation in national and Georgia AATSP programs over the years (include meeting attendance, presentations, sponsorship of SHH, student participation in NSE, composition contests, Immersion Camp, etc.); agreement to write a 250-word article about the program for publication on our website.
The completed application packet should be mailed or emailed by May 1st to Dr. Jana Sandarg :
Notification of winner and alternates can be expected by end of May. At the end of the program, the winning participant should send the article for our website, along with a photocopy of the end-of-course document. (For many programs, this is a certificate. For others it may be a report card.) The reimbursement check will be issued following receipt of these documents.
New Teacher Membership and Conference Grant
Who is eligible to apply?● Current K-12 teachers and university instructors/professors who are in their first or second year of teaching
Spanish or Portuguese full-time in Georgia
Benefits:● A complementary one-year AATSP membership● Complementary registration at AATSP-GA Fall Conference following grant award date● $225 grant to be used for classroom materials
How do I apply?
● Complete this application form via Google Forms here: or email a completed application
in the form of a text document to
Application deadlines and award period
● Applications are accepted on a year round basis.● Applications will be reviewed by the Mini-grant director and Executive Board biannually during the spring and
fall board meetings.● Grants will be awarded, as funding permits, biannually following application reviews.
Awardee Requirements
If granted an award the applicant agrees to complete the following activities during school year in which they receive the grant or the school year following the granting of funds:
● participate in at least one AATSP-GA teacher activity:○ nominating a colleague for Teacher of the Year○ nominating a student for Student of the Year○ volunteering at student Immersion Camp○ starting a chapter of Sociedad Hispánica Honoraria (high school) or Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad (elementary/middle school)○ other activities sponsored by the chapter
● have his/her students participate in at least one of the following AATSP-GA student activities:○ fall Student Congress○ Immersion Camp○ National Spanish Exam○ Composition Contest○ Poster contest● attend AATSP-GA Fall Conference
Restrictions● An applicant can be awarded this grant only once in their lifetime● Applicants must be teaching in the state of Georgia
When and how will I be notified?
● Grant winners will be notified within two weeks of application review via email and phone● Grant winner names will be posted on the “Awards” page of the AATSP-GA
Teacher Resource Grants
What is the purpose of these grants?
These grants provide funding for the following:∙ Projects (language fair, art project, research project, etc.)∙ Materials (excludes textbooks but may include reading books, music, software, DVDs, realia)∙ Equipment (video camera, recording devices, etc.)∙ AATSP Student activities (to begin a chapter of Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad or Sociedad Hispánica
Honoraria, scholarships for the Immersion Camp etc.)
How much may I apply for?
∙ Up to $225
Who is eligible to apply?
∙ K-12 teachers and university instructors/professors teaching in the state of Georgia who are
currently in at least their third year of full time instruction
How do I apply?
∙ Complete this application form via Google Forms here: or
email a completed application in the form of a text document to
Application deadlines and award period
● Applications are accepted on a year round basis.● Applications will be reviewed by the Mini-grant director and Executive Board biannually during the
spring and fall board meetings.● Grants will be awarded, as funding permits, biannually following application reviews.
Awardee Requirements
If granted an award the applicant agrees to complete the following activities during school year in
which they receive the grant or the school year following the granting of funds:
● applicant must hold a current Spanish or Portuguese teaching position in Georgia● applicant has been a member of AATSP for at least the last three years, including year of the grant request● participate in at least one AATSP-GA teacher activity:○ nominating a colleague for Teacher of the Year○ nominating a student for Student of the Year○ volunteering at student Immersion Camp○ starting a chapter of Sociedad Hispánica Honoraria (high school) or Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad
(elementary/middle school)○ other activities sponsored by the chapter
● have his/her students participate in at least one of the following AATSP-GA student activities:○ Immersion Camp○ National Spanish Exam○ Composition Contest○ Poster contest● attend AATSP-GA Fall Conference● applicant agrees to submit an article for the AATSP GA website about how the funds were used and
their impact on students
● the amount requested is not guaranteed. The committee may award a reduced amount at its
When and how will I be notified?
● Grant winners will be notified within two weeks of application review via email and phone● Grant winner names will be posted on the “Awards” page of the AATSP-GA website: